Thursday, January 3, 2019

Global Emergency Declared

January 3, 2019

The World Information and Coordination Organization (WICO) today declared a state of Global Emergency in response to the threat of imminent ecological collapse. This follows its five-year assessment of health and survival prospects of the world’s known species, including our own.

A Global Emergency declaration requires all member nations to jointly develop strategies for elimination, mitigation, and avoidance of a threat to global survival, and to pledge action by the date determined by WICO’s assessment of urgency. The date chosen by WICO is 1 February 2019, with implementation by all capable parties required by 1 July 2019.

The publicly released summary of the threat assessment report estimates human extinction (at least 90% population loss) by 2038 with 80% confidence if no action is taken to deal with the threat. It adds that increasing loss of life is practically inevitable if business-as-usual proceeds past 2020. A “baseline” strategy is outlined, and will be subject to modification during detailed strategy development.

Reactions to the declaration are mixed, even though it has been anticipated for at least two months. Leaders and representatives of more than two-thirds of the world’s nations have unequivocally stated that they are dedicated to immediately taking the next steps. Notably the nations with the most resource-extractive economies have yet to do so.

Reality Check

In the real world, there is no WICO. Its closest analog is the United Nations. 

There is little doubt in the scientific community that ecological collapse is in progress, in large part due to climate change.

The recommendations of WICO are in line with the simulation that I’m calling “Timeline 3,” which is an alternative to the simulation “Timeline 2” that best matches historical data from 1950-2018 and is the basis for the statistics and timing given.

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