Friday, March 1, 2019

Crash Investigation May Follow Sanda’s Clue


Russian intelligence operations have been linked to the crash of the WICO servers, according to a source close to the investigation who today shared related classified documents with three UK newspapers. Officials at WICO refused to comment on the report except to caution against accusing anyone without evidence, suggesting that the documents are fakes.

I attempted to determine if the nation’s normalized population-to-nature ratio was the same as what Sanda indicated in the note sent to me before the crash. After I left several unanswered e-mail queries, Zhou Li Xiu from WICO’s Strategy Integration Overview team called to tell me that such information was lost along with the biosphere assessment database, and that it will take weeks to reconstruct it. She couldn’t provide any details about the recovery process except to confirm that she is deeply involved in it and to thank me for sharing what apparently were Sanda’s last words.

Three hours later I received a request for a meeting from Archibald Ali, the social science professor who has been a fixture on cable news shows since the national strategies were submitted to WICO. He was curious about my connection to Sanda and how I interpreted its message. I told him what I’ve reported here, and agreed to interview him next week. He offered to discuss some information I might be interested in, which he has archived from discussions with some of WICO’s strategy testers. 

Reality Check

Of the ten most populous nations in 2018, Russia was the only one whose simulation showed that it was in the collapse stage. Aggression that includes cyberattacks may or may not be related to this (if the simulation, shown below, is an accurate representation).

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