Monday, June 17, 2019

Transition Targets

With two weeks left until the global strategy is in full execution, WICO released its annual targets for per-capita consumption and population, with its estimated effects on the global economy, over the course of the transition. 

To meet the targets, population will need to decrease at least two percent per year, and per-capita consumption between two and nine percent per year (with possibly more, depending on what’s needed to stop the self-sustained impacts). The economy will be in what feels like a deep depression, with world GDP contracting seven percent next year, and up to 12 percent per year during the rest of the transition.

The total declines from 2019 to 2040 will be 36 percent for population, at least 50 percent for per-capita consumption, and at least 86 percent for world GDP.

On a personal note, I resigned from Possibilities from Responsibilities, and have accepted a position as a documentation manager and research assistant at Colorado Holistic University (CHU) on a project Maura is leading to assess the historical context of the imminent threat response. I will of course continue writing this blog.

Reality Check

Annual rates of change for the future of the simulation, including failure to stop self-sustained impacts, are shown in the following graph. GWP, Gross World Product, is real global GDP.

There is no Colorado Holistic University in our world.


  1. Will elaborates on his employment situation in his personal log at
